Observation on Teachers of Suksasart Demonstration School

Observation on Teachers of Suksasart Demonstration School

Planning for Teaching
Teachers required to make a teaching plan (lesson plan) before the teaching activity began for every meetings. Also teacher have to prepare well for all the materials needed in teaching activity, such as a PowerPoint presentation for teaching or learning media and printed students worksheets.

Preparing Lesson and Materials
Teachers have been prepared tools for teaching such as book and board marker, and if the teacher wants to used media, teacher must be prepared projector, laptop, power point presentation, and media for presentation or for students activity.
Every meetings for class learning activity, teachers have already prepared well all of the lesson and materials needs, it makes teacher explain easily and clearly.

Teaching in Class
Student always give a greeting to the teacher for class opening, after that teacher open the class using apperception to review and remind student with the last topic before teach the new topic for todays class. Also teacher asked about topic matter before explain to know about students knowledge. Teachers continue to explains about topic matter or materials for class activity.
Teaching system was student-centered learning which teacher act as a facilitator to teach students and students will be able to explore and build their knowledge. Furthermore, teacher and students are active each other.

Measurement and evaluation
Teacher give the worksheets for students measurement and evaluation. Students do the worksheets in groups or individually depends on teachers lesson plan prepared  and how many time left. After student finished the worksheets, they present the answer infront of class then the teacher check it together with the others student. If students work good, teachers will give appreciation to them such scoring for each groups. Sometimes, the teachers also gives homework in the end of the class learning. Teacher give an examination for the students in the end of the topic.

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