My Teaching Practice in Suksasart Demonstration School

My Teaching Practice in Suksasart Demonstration School

Procedures of teaching

I was assigned by my supervisor to teach in Matthayom 4/2 and Matthayom 4/3 for intensive class with the same topic was Growth of Embryonic. My supervisor give me 10 hours/week for the teaching practicum. To complete the hours i also teach in normal class with the student teacher from Khon Kaen University as a team teaching. In procedures of teaching, the teacher must adjust to the lesson plan before teaching. I prepared some of materials such as lesson plan, student activity, worksheet, PowerPoint presentation and some markers. My supervisor also help me to provide all of the thing included checking for my lesson plan, student activity and worksheet. The implementation procedure of teaching should accordance with the learning procedure on lesson plan like the approach, method, and model.
I used discovery learning model and scientific approach for each lesson and used teaching system as student-centered learning which is students will be able to explore and to build their own knowledge beside the teacher acts as a facilitator to improve students knowledge.

Time Management and Organizing Activities

Teacher should well-allocated and organized time so that all learning procedures are realized. The groups study is used the exact method to organized students activities for the 40 students in class. Teacher devide students into smaller group to allow each member to participate in the group discussion or output. Each groups consist of 5-6 students.
According to discovery learning model and scientific approach, I was dividing time allocation for the learning in the class by 3 part. First for opening activity, second for main activity, and the last for closing activity.
In opening activity, class open with students greetings for teacher then checking for students attendance. Firstly, I used to remind the students about previous topic then continue about topic of the day, purposes of studying and I gave some apperception about the topic and motivation why students should learn about the topic.
In main activity, i used to explain about todays topic through the powerpoint presentation, then I divided students into 6 groups consist of 5 until 6 students and they will do students worksheets in groups. Each group got the printed student worksheets. After they finished it, students collect the answer together with teacher.
 In closing activity, I gave the conclusion about todays topic and scoring for each groups. Last I closed the class with greetings.

In probem solving, teacher use inquiry or discovery based learning in the worksheet. Teacher as a facilitator guided the students to solve the problem, think critically, and relate the lesson to the real conditions.
In class activity, if there were some problems students can discuss with me, they can ask me if they dont understand. All the students did not have problem with the language I used to teach them. Even sometimes they didnt understand with the language, i could explain them by body language.

Classroom Management

According to class situation and condition in Mutthayom 4/2 and 4/3, I used an instructional approach to manage the classroom while I was teaching there. I tried to create an effective classroom atmosphere through quality and well-implemented lesson plan.

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